(07) 3180 0120
Caboolture Traffic Lawyers

Dedicated Protection and Representation for Essential Services Personnel

  • Dedicated to Essential Services personnel
  • Providing annual criminal & employment law protection for Essential Services personnel
  • You deserve to have the same level of protection other professionals receive
  • Call now for a free consultation (07) 3180 0120

Apply now for Essential Services protection

Expressions of Interest
Class Action

On 27 February 2024, Sibley Lawyers along with Alexander Law were successful in the matter of Johnston & Ors v Carroll (Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service) & Anor; Witthahn & Ors v Wakefield (Chief Executive of Hospital and Health Services and Director General of Queensland Health); Sutton & Ors v Carroll (Commissioner of the Queensland Police Service) [2024] QSC 2. The decision found that the QPS vaccine mandate directive breached human rights, and that the QAS vaccine directive was without power. If you wish to apply to be a client in a class action following those findings against the QAS, the QPS and the State of Queensland, apply here.

Criminal & Employment Law Representation for Essential Services Personnel including Police, Corrections, QAS, Nurses & Protective Security

Call For a Free Consultation

(07) 3180 0120

Dedicated Representation for Essential Services Personnel

Police, Correctional Officers, Ambulance, Nurses, Queensland Rail, Protective Security and other front line essential services are entitled to have a lawyer on call, secured by a dedicated annual retainer in case you are charged with a criminal offence, or need Employment Law representation.

When you are in trouble, you should be able to talk immediately to an experienced lawyer, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Our Firm will always be there to respond in your time of need. You can be assured that if issues arise in your employment, you will be able to call upon a reputable and reliable firm to assist, with that assistance not costing you more than your annual fee (see retainer agreement for terms and conditions).

We know what it is like to feel unprotected on the front line. Justifiably, you may worry that if something happened, and you were forced to defend a disciplinary issue or a criminal charge, you may not be supported by those that should defend you. Living with that risk each day is something our Firm will ensure you no longer need to worry about, so you can get on with providing the services you were trained to deliver.

You can reach us right now on (07) 3180 0120

What We Offer

As a former Police Officer, Justin Sibley devised the Essential Services protection retainer with Police and other Essential Services personnel in mind. The Scope of works included in your annual retainer is comprehensive, and has been developed knowing the sorts of matters that can and often do arise, which can cause you difficulties in your unique and risky line of work.

Criminal & Employment Lawer

The agreement means you have expert criminal and employment lawyers retained on an annual basis, lawyers with real experience acting for personnel employed in front line roles. By paying a small retainer fee ($990) per annum, you are able to call upon the firm if you require legal representation, and avail upon the legal services within the scope of work for free (see individual retainer offer for terms and conditions). There are a number of areas that are covered including:

Criminal Law Offences

Representation with respect to any criminal offence naming you as the defendant where the offence is alleged to have been committed on duty in the execution of your role or off duty when arising from or reasonably connected to your role. We provide a 24-hour emergency advice line.

We will attend interviews including providing advice with respect to the interview process. Directed interviews should be guided by a lawyer, as our clients benefit from expert advice on their rights, including whether they have the right against self incrimination. We further provide unlimited case management and advocacy, including at hearings and trials. As experienced specialist advocates, we have a proven track record representing Essential Services personnel facing criminal charges, and winning.

Disciplinary Matters

Advice and assistance with respect to disciplinary issues. This includes representation at disciplinary interviews and assistance with providing responses to show cause notices on proposed disciplinary findings and sanctions. The nature of your role is such that you are open to allegations of wrongdoing that can have far greater implications for your career than civilians. We ensure you receive the best representation, and will fight for your rights without political or managerial influence. As your lawyers, we are entirely independent, and will only act in your interests.  In the worst case scenario, we have a proven track record of overturning dismissals and having our clients returned to work.

Other Areas of Service

Depending on your role, our retainers will typically provide you with annual services including Advocacy and Support, defending vexatious Domestic Violence allegations, Workers Compensation and General Advice (see retainer agreement for terms and conditions).

Our Unique Protection for Essential Services Personnel

Front line personnel cannot completely remove the risks they face providing essential services to the community. Risks are mitigated through training and experience. However, through circumstances outside of your control, you may find yourself charged with a criminal offence, or fending off a disciplinary issue. Our team is trusted to deliver outstanding results. You deserve the same level of protection, and to know that you have lawyers on retainer protecting you 24×7. Call now for a free consultation (07) 3180 0120

Dedicated Representation

You can reach us right now on (07) 3180 0120

You deserve a secure and dedicated legal defence by experienced criminal and employment lawyers. Underpinned by a retainer agreement developed specifically for Essential Services personnel, we will ensure you are provided 24×7 support from the outset. Having a lawyer on retainer that has real world experience in your line of work, and a track record of achieving results as a lawyer, is the best insurance you can have.

From the moment you are involved in a critical incident, for example, or are directed to participate in an interview, our lawyers are on call to provide you immediate advice and representation. There are no wait times before you are provided experienced representation by a lawyer.

If you are charged with an offence, or forced to defend an unfair dismissal, we will ensure you get the best outcome with our unique skills as trained advocates. Our Firm will stop at nothing to represent you. While you are facing litigation, our staff will support you through the employment issues you will face, including disciplinary proceedings.

Confidential and Dedicated Advice

Our firm is retained by you as the client, and is not influenced by existing relationships with your management. You receive the services you need when you need them, knowing we will keep your matter absolutely confidential.

Brisbane Criminal lawyer and consultant - INTELLIGENCE LED BUSINESS SOLUTIONS

Understanding The Unique Nature of Your Work

Our lawyers have worked in various roles as sworn Police and Crown Prosecutors, other Government Agencies, Unions and Employment Law firms. We know what it is like to feel unprotected on the front line, and will ensure you don’t feel the same.

Criminal and Employment Expertise

Sibley Lawyers has over 69 years of cumulative experience. From working at the coal face of law enforcement and prosecutions, to trade unions and employment firms, you deserve a Firm that steadfastly defends its clients.

Brisbane Criminal lawyer and consultant - Cyber Security

I would not hesitate to recommend Justin and his team should you find yourself is a position such as mine. They fight for what’s right!
—Warrant Officer Class One, Robert Cotter (Retired)

See full testimonial

Investigations cause immense stress on staff and their families. And without having the support of our management team, how are we supposed to go to work confidently knowing that our actions will not be defended by the people that give us the directions and teach us the techniques.
—CCO Anonymous

See full testimonial