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Home / Employment Law / Workers’ Compensation Claims

If you are injured in the course of your employment, you may be entitled to file a statutory workers’ compensation claim.  A statutory claim can allow you to be reimbursed for treatment and medical expenses, amongst other things.  An injury includes both physical and psychological injuries and can also include an aggravation of a pre-existing injury if that aggravation has arisen in the course of your employment.

Section 32 (5) of the Workers’ Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (the WCRA) excludes a psychological injury that has arisen out of management action that has been reasonable and taken in a reasonable way.  The legislation in relation to psychological injuries is quite complex and we always recommend that you seek legal advice before taking steps to lodge a claim.

Sibley Lawyers can assist you in preparing your application for workers’ compensation to ensure the legislation is sufficiently addressed, and to give your claim the best chance of approval.

Get employment law assistance from our team by contacting (07) 3180 0120 or by email [email protected]